Health Benefits of Mushrooms
Mushroom as a food is not only tasty and extremely appealing, but it also has a number of health benefits. This makes it a great dish for your meal – now you can be rest assured after knowing the fact that you are eating something that you love, and at the same time, you are helping your body to gain in useful minerals!
Mushrooms have been used by humans for thousands of years – they were also believed to have medicinal advantages, which have been proved to be true, today. There are more than fourteen thousand varieties of mushrooms, while only about three thousand varieties are edible. Out of these, as many as seven hundred types of mushrooms are known to have medicinal properties.
Simple health benefits
Since mushrooms contain a very high quantity of water – about 80 to 90% - they are very low on calorie. They have almost no fat and sodium, thus making them very healthy. In addition, 8 to 10% of their dry weight is fibre, which makes mushroom ideal for people who are on a weight loss program, or are hypertensive.
Mushrooms are loaded with polysaccharides. They are phytonutrients that appear to possess potent anti-cancer properties. Studies indicate that mushrooms may help to prevent even breast cancer.
Mushrooms are also high in other anti-oxidants like L-ergothioneine. The great thing about mushroom is that it contains higher level of this agent than any other dietary source.
Alzheimer’s disease
The Journal of Neurology has found out that the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease is yet another health benefit of having mushrooms. Niacin-rich foods like mushroom is believed to prevent or delay
According to the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease may be included among the health benefits of mushrooms. This assessment is based on research suggesting that niacin-rich foods, like mushrooms, Alzheimer’s and other cognitive disorders by as much as 70 percent. The same agent also interrupts the negative activity of homocysteine, which is an amino acid that is associated with, elevated cholesterol and an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and osteoarthritis.
Other health benefits
Mushrooms are excellent sources of a number of minerals. It contains a lot of potassium, which helps to lower the risk of stroke. Again, one single serving of mushroom can provide you with 20 to 40 percent of the daily dose of requirement of copper, which is known for its cardio-protective properties.
Other minerals found in mushrooms are riboflavin, niacin, and selenium. The latter is an antioxidant that works with Vitamin E, in order to protect the cells from the free radicals and their damaging effect. People with low selenium level have more chances of acquiring prostrate cancer as compared to those who have a higher selenium level.
In addition, the shiitake mushrooms have been used for centuries in China and Japan, as a treatment for cold and flu. Lentinan, a fruiting body found in the body of shiitake mushrooms helps to stimulate the immune system and also to fight infection.
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